Sr. No.ParticularsLink
1Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior ManagementClick Here
2Fair DisclosureClick Here
3Dividend Distribution PolicyClick Here
4Familarization of Independent DirectorClick Here
5Health and Safety Enviornment PolicyClick Here
6Internal Procedures and Conduct of Insider TradingClick Here
7Materiality Policy on Identification of Group CompaniesClick Here
8Nomination and Remuneration CommitteeClick Here
9Policy for ArchivalClick Here
10Policy for Determination of Material EventsClick Here
11Policy for Determination of Material SubsidariesClick Here
12Policy on Diversity of BoardClick Here
13Policy on Evaluation of Board and Independent DirectorsClick Here
14Policy on Identification of Material Creditors and Material LitigationsClick Here
1515.Policy on Prevention of Sexual HarasmentClick Here
16Policy on Related Party TransactionClick Here
17Policy on Succession PlanningClick Here
18Policy on Terms of Appointment of Independent DirectorsClick Here
19Policy on Vigil MechanismClick Here